Mystery shopping – a solution for you, a cause for me!

We pride ourselves in paying particular attention to the feedback from our mystery shoppers, in supporting them with their tasks and in promoting the purpose and the motivation behind this interesting occupation.

Mrs. S. Y., a university professor from the Veliko Tarnovo region and a mystery shopper with the agency since 2013, shares her story: 

In any moment of decision,

the best thing you can do is the right thing

the next best thing is the wrong thing,

and the worst thing you can do is nothing.”

Theodore Roosevelt


Very often it happens that we do not have all the information that we need in order to make a decision, draw a conclusion or solve a problem. One of the main tools for acquiring new relevant information is the process of communication and dialog (a situation with questions and answers). Unfortunately, we do not always get the true (or false) answers we are looking for. Based on the responses to questions, along with other previously established conditions, we extract conclusions and make decisions, take one action or another. But what happens if those answers change for some reason or the truth is found to be questionable?
We encounter problems on a daily basis. It is important how you face them. It is important to know that there are modern working methods and techniques to solve them in every area of human practice. The "mystery shopper" is among the more popular and effective modern methods for making the right decisions, for market research, for measuring the quality of products and services.  
What is a shopper (клиент, klient in Bulgarian)? The etymological origin of the word is the Latin "cliens, clientis" which means "patronized".  
What is a mystery shopper? This is an activity or set of actions in a certain area of human practice whose aim is to improve the quality of services, to support business development through various research and objective analyses, to examine customer satisfaction.
To use the mystery shopping service is to strive for objectivity, independence and professionalism; it’s a determination which guarantees success.  
Being a mystery shopper is a personal cause. My cause is that we all live in a better society. Through the work as a mystery shopper, I make a contribution. As a mystery shopper, not only do I collect and submit information; I can know for sure that it will be of real benefit. This is a chance to do something to raise the standard of living in Bulgaria and the quality of service for all Bulgarian citizens. This is the way for low competence (or lack thereof) of employees hired on subjective grounds - sympathy or kinship, to come out into the light. This is the way in which we can improve the quality of service, monitor the quality of the products we consume, and to work together to reach European standards of living and business environment.
